Friday 26 October 2012

information update

Bunga kopi.
Trendi Home Industry, hanya memilih biji kopi yg berwarna merah untuk diproses menjadi kopi bubuk Toraya. Kopi kami hanya berasal dari Toraja.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Toraya Coffee Stand at TRADE EXPO INDONESIA 2012

Come and visit us at TRADE EXPO INDONESIA 2012 from Oct 17-21 in Jakarta.

Trade Expo Indonesia 2012

Toraya Coffee has been selected to participate in the 27th TRADE EXPO INDONESIA in Jakarta from October 17 - 21, 2012.

Please come and visit us! We would like to make your acquaintance.


Kapasitas Produksi / Product Capacity

Kapasitas terpasang 300 kg/hari atau 6000 kg/ bulan.
Kondisi produksi  saat ini 100- 500 kg per bulan, disesuaikan dengan permintaan pasar. 

Potential capacity 300 kg/hari or 6000 kg/month.
Present production condition 100 - 500 kg per month; depending on market demand.

Product Specification

Product No
Packing feature
AR FG010
Arabica 100%
100 gram
Bubuk/powder/fine ground, in aluminium in box

1000 pack/month
( 100 kg/month)
Arabica 100%
200 gram
Bubuk/powder/fine ground, in aluminium in silk bag
1000 pack/month
(200 kg/month)
ARGr 020
Arabica 100%
200 gram
Giling kasar/Ground, in aluminium in silk bag
1000 pack/month
(200 kg/month)
Arabica 100%
250 gram
Biji Sangrai/Roasted bean
In aluminium one way valce in silk bag
1000 pack/month
250 kg/month)
Arabica 100%
250 gram
Giling kasar/
Ground, in aluminium in box

1000 pack/month
250 kg/month
Robusta 100%
100 gram
Bubuk/powder//fine ground, in aluminium in box

1000 pack/month
100 kg/month
Welcome to my blog!

My name is Margaretha Andi Lolo - Lethe. I was born and raised in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. My connection with Toraja coffee dates from my childhood when my father, a coffee fanatic, taught me how to brew a perfect Toraja coffee.

I would like to pass on my memorable experience through my products. Quality beans is the priority in every Toraya coffee package. The freshness of the coffee is perfectly sealed in.

If you have any inquiries about how to acquire Toraya Coffee, please don't hesitate to make contact through any of the following:
mobile: +62-813 420 67556; +62-811 464152; +62-813 437 37744

Looking forward to sharing a cup of Toraya coffee with you.
